

In this post I’d like to put attention on situation between Russia and Ukraine. To be more precised I want to share my opinion about the episode that took place on Black See, on the small Island called „Snake Island”. There were 13 guards that stationed there and on Thursday they were attacked by Russian’s military warship. For me it’s an exellent example of courage, fearlessness and the will to fight. Even that the soldiers knew they didn’t have any chances with Russian’s weapons, they didn’t give up. They are real war heroes despite the fact they didn’t manage to save this part of land. Their response to Russian’s cautions speaks for irself, they weren;t going to give up and they didn’t. Since the war started there were many situations of heroism, but I think this one will be remembered for a long time, no matter when the war will end

Observation 7

Some time ago I’ve read an article in which the author considered whether online or stationary education is better. „E-learning” had and in some places still have its pros and cons. To answer which side wins we probably would hace to ask many people, because everyone has their own opinion. Personally I agree with the author of this text. Spending many hours in front of the computer, not seeing friends for quite a long time and being home for many weeks was definetely very challenging for everyone. Everybody could feel negative effects of that education method despite the fact that, as it was said, we spend great part of our lives in the internet. I’m sure it was pretty interesting experience but if we ever go back to those days in our memories we will remember that it required from us a lot of patience and positive thinking.

Observation 6

 I’ve read an article about domestic violence. The text talked about the maltreatment of man against women and the passivity of the police. It sounds pretty horryfing. Maybe the number of women who were murdered because of their partners is not high, but why is it not dropping? Why the police is doing literally nothing event they have evidence of violence? Also a creepy fact is that the punishments for doing such a thing are really mild and most of the perpetrators do not even receive them. The article mentions a woman who was killed by her husband while sleeping. Before that situation the neighbors dialled for help but the police did nothing and it was the main reason why that woman died. Because of ignorance and passivity. What else we can do when even someone like police officers do not care about our safety? Maybe not to have any relationships or carry a knife whenever we are surrounded by other people? It sounds ridiculous but I have no better idea how to be safe on our own

Observation 5

 More and more often when I’m using public transport, walking down the street or when I'm at school, I’m noticing that people are rarely using disposable plastic bottles and replacing them with reusable ones. I also not often see people who decide to buy a plastic bag in stores, most customers have their own and take them with them when shopping. Perhaps it is the result of increasing public awareness of ecology, climate change and environmental pollution. Or maybe it’s about saving some money, because on a yearly basis for choosing these „ecological forms of life” you can collect quite a significant sum. However I am of the opinion that the first cause is the most likely. In these times of, as I said, environmental change, deforestation, air and river pollution those things very quickly get publicized by the media so people know about it. Publicizing such cases certainly helped in some way and opened the eyes of those who before downplayed the matter or thought it’s not importan

Observation 4

 Recently, when I was on the bus coming home I noticed a man who was standing near me. He was already on the bus when I got in and had the bike with him. The inside was very crowded and the bike itself took up a lot of space and made it difficult for other passengers to stand. It's hard for me to understand why someone who decides to take a bike with him when leaving home then gets on the bus with it. After all, this is what the bicycle is for, right? Why do those people push it inside, especially when there is a specially marked path next to the road that you can easily use? It's just irritating when one person forces almost half the bus to leave so that they can go out with the bike themselves. Now there are rental shops on every corner, so if you feel like you won’t make a whole way on a bike, just use them or catch a bus.

Observation 3

Today's observation is about something every student in school experiences, and it's the problem of changing shoes. Surely everyone has had the situation when the teacher or the caretaker pointed out to him about wearing inappropriate type of shoes. In my opinion, this is a little exaggeration. I can understand that it is difficult to keep the school clean and people who have this kind of responsibility think that changing shoes will help, well in fact it does not. What is the difference if we put sand on the floor when we come to school from home and when we go back to the locker room after PE lessons? Most of us come to school wearing exactly the same shoes in which we leave it anyway, so this rule is kinda pointless. Especially now, when the weather outside is pretty good, nobody brings mud, water, leaves or any other kind of dirt on their soles. The floor can get scratched both by "outside" shoes and the "normal" ones. So mostly because of those reasons

Observation 2

Recently I witnessed very unpleasant situation. While I was returning from school next to a small park, I noticed a woman with a dog; she was talking on the phone while the dog was taking care of its needs. Afterwards, as if nothing had happened, she left without cleaning up after her pet and at the same time ignoring comments from other dog owners about her behavior. I wonder why people like the above-mentioned lady decide to have a dog. It is a living creature that has its basic needs, and if you know that it is beyond us to meet them, you shouldn't decide to buy or adopt a pet. In many big and also smaller cities some time ago appeared containers with garbage bags intended for cleaning up after their pets and yet people still ignore it, leaving muck behind. Maybe it is ignorance or maybe just laziness? Personally, as the owner of the dog I can't imagine not cleaning up after it and thinking that someone will do it for me.