Observation 3

Today's observation is about something every student in school experiences, and it's the problem of changing shoes. Surely everyone has had the situation when the teacher or the caretaker pointed out to him about wearing inappropriate type of shoes. In my opinion, this is a little exaggeration. I can understand that it is difficult to keep the school clean and people who have this kind of responsibility think that changing shoes will help, well in fact it does not. What is the difference if we put sand on the floor when we come to school from home and when we go back to the locker room after PE lessons? Most of us come to school wearing exactly the same shoes in which we leave it anyway, so this rule is kinda pointless. Especially now, when the weather outside is pretty good, nobody brings mud, water, leaves or any other kind of dirt on their soles. The floor can get scratched both by "outside" shoes and the "normal" ones. So mostly because of those reasons I think we can put less emphasis on this case. 


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