In this
post I’d like to put attention on situation between Russia and Ukraine. To be
more precised I want to share my opinion about the episode that took place on
Black See, on the small Island called „Snake Island”. There were 13 guards that
stationed there and on Thursday they were attacked by Russian’s military
For me it’s
an exellent example of courage, fearlessness and the will to fight. Even that
the soldiers knew they didn’t have any chances with Russian’s weapons, they
didn’t give up. They are real war heroes despite the fact they didn’t manage to
save this part of land. Their response to Russian’s cautions speaks for irself,
they weren;t going to give up and they didn’t. Since the war started there were
many situations of heroism, but I think this one will be remembered for a long
time, no matter when the war will end
And there are rumours that these soldiers may still be alive. Hope they are!