Observation 6

 I’ve read an article about domestic violence. The text talked about the maltreatment of man against women and the passivity of the police.

It sounds pretty horryfing. Maybe the number of women who were murdered because of their partners is not high, but why is it not dropping? Why the police is doing literally nothing event they have evidence of violence? Also a creepy fact is that the punishments for doing such a thing are really mild and most of the perpetrators do not even receive them. The article mentions a woman who was killed by her husband while sleeping. Before that situation the neighbors dialled for help but the police did nothing and it was the main reason why that woman died. Because of ignorance and passivity. What else we can do when even someone like police officers do not care about our safety? Maybe not to have any relationships or carry a knife whenever we are surrounded by other people? It sounds ridiculous but I have no better idea how to be safe on our own


  1. Enclose the LINK, please!
    The article was about DOMESTIC violence, so carrying a knife in public places is kind of irrelevant.
    The phrase "maltreatment of men" suggests that men are treated badly. Not exactly what you wanted to say, is it?


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