Observation 4

 Recently, when I was on the bus coming home I noticed a man who was standing near me. He was already on the bus when I got in and had the bike with him. The inside was very crowded and the bike itself took up a lot of space and made it difficult for other passengers to stand. It's hard for me to understand why someone who decides to take a bike with him when leaving home then gets on the bus with it. After all, this is what the bicycle is for, right? Why do those people push it inside, especially when there is a specially marked path next to the road that you can easily use? It's just irritating when one person forces almost half the bus to leave so that they can go out with the bike themselves. Now there are rental shops on every corner, so if you feel like you won’t make a whole way on a bike, just use them or catch a bus.


  1. I'm surprised the bus driver let this guy in with his bike. I thought it was not allowed.


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