Observation 2

Recently I witnessed very unpleasant situation. While I was returning from school next to a small park, I noticed a woman with a dog; she was talking on the phone while the dog was taking care of its needs. Afterwards, as if nothing had happened, she left without cleaning up after her pet and at the same time ignoring comments from other dog owners about her behavior. I wonder why people like the above-mentioned lady decide to have a dog. It is a living creature that has its basic needs, and if you know that it is beyond us to meet them, you shouldn't decide to buy or adopt a pet. In many big and also smaller cities some time ago appeared containers with garbage bags intended for cleaning up after their pets and yet people still ignore it, leaving muck behind. Maybe it is ignorance or maybe just laziness? Personally, as the owner of the dog I can't imagine not cleaning up after it and thinking that someone will do it for me.


  1. Leaving your dog's poo where it landed is just antisocial. Maybe you don't remember the times when there was no law forcing people to clean after their dogs and the streets were littered with poo. The situation is much better now but some people just think the rules don't apply to them.


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