Observation 7

Some time ago I’ve read an article in which the author considered whether online or stationary education is better. „E-learning” had and in some places still have its pros and cons. To answer which side wins we probably would hace to ask many people, because everyone has their own opinion.

Personally I agree with the author of this text. Spending many hours in front of the computer, not seeing friends for quite a long time and being home for many weeks was definetely very challenging for everyone. Everybody could feel negative effects of that education method despite the fact that, as it was said, we spend great part of our lives in the internet. I’m sure it was pretty interesting experience but if we ever go back to those days in our memories we will remember that it required from us a lot of patience and positive thinking.



  1. People are social beings and school's main tasks is to equip kids with social skills. Online school doesn't fulfill this job.


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