Observation 1

 On my last school trip, I noticed how careless some people are. In Krakow, almost nobody uses pedestrian crossings in order to cross the street, people prefer to run through any section of it. It is all the more troublesome as drivers of cars or public transport are obliged to focus twice on the road.

It is extremely stupid for me to act like you have more than one life. There is nothing wrong with walking down an empty street, but anyone who has been to any bigger city is aware that there are crowds of people there, so logically is more dangerous. Often for this reason, accidents occur that could have been avoided by simply respecting the traffic regulations. Of course, the drivers are also people to blame; some of them do not stop at crossings, ride on curbs or ignore road signs and lights. I do not think that it can be changed, since the police often turn a blind eye to such situations, I can only try to watch out for myself and my relatives in order not to let anything bad happen.


  1. In the UK, when a pedestrian is standing close to a zebra crossing, cars will stop and wait until they cross the road. Also, pedestrians cross streets in any place when there is no traffic and they consider the crossing safe and this is NOT violating traffic regulations.
    The problem in Poland are drivers, not pedestrians. We drive like crazy, don't observe speed limits, break all rules and disrespect other users of the road.


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