Lower UK air pollution limits to prevent deaths, says coroner


I’ve read an article about recent research on air pollution in the UK. Philip Barlow, coroner for inner south London, ruled earlier this year that air pollution from traffic was a cause of the death of nine-year-old Ella Kissi-Debrah in 2013, which was the first time that toxic air was directly contributed to a death.

In my opinion, people do not see the seriousness of the problem of air pollution. We are still doing too little to improve its quality. It is known that change will not happen in a year or two, but we should finally understand what is happening and at least try to do something. For example, if it’s possible, use public transport, introduce obligatory car inspections to minimize the risk of releasing harmful substances into the atmosphere, tighten penalties for burning rubbish in stoves, and many others. The death of one person may not seem like a good reason to drastically tighten air quality standards, but I belive that if the UK and other countries don't do antything, it won't end with one person.



  1. It's not easy to fight pollution. Poland has been trying to do something with smog in winter for years but people still ignore the law and burn rubbish, poisoning themselves and their neighbours, just because it's cheaper.


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