Far right puts brakes on a new law that aims to stamp out homophobia in Italy

 I’ve read an article about fighting against homophobia in Italy. About 2 weeks ago a gay couple who kissed at a metro station in Rome were attacked. One of the man was hit and kicked by an aggressor after kissing his boyfriend who also got kicked. A bill that would extend the rights of LGBT people didn’t pass through the Senate. The reasons were changes in the Senate and resistance from far-right politicians.

I support activits, but the problem of homophobia affects people all over the world. I find it scary that people in the 21st century are afraid to be themselves and have to pretend to be someone to feel safe. It's also ridiculous that there are people who say that being different is synonymous with a disease that needs to be treated. Everyone has the right to their own opinion as long as it does not pose a threat to someone's safety or life, because freedom of speech and hate speech are two different things.



  1. As I understand, this incident wasn't even about hate speech but it was a pure act of violence, which is a criminal offence, no matter what it was motivated by.
    And I absolutely agree that being different should automatically make you a target of discrimination, hatred and persecution.


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