Meatless school menu in France


I’ve read an article about latest situation in France. Namely, the mayor of Lyon decided to temporarily take meat from the menu in school canteens during the coronavirus pandemic. The reason that he have made such an unwise decision was that there was too little time on breaks and the children couldn't get served if there was a meat and vegetarian menu to choose from. It is logical that this decision was met with a wave of criticism. 

Meat and all meat preparations are very important components of the human diet, especiwlly when it comes to children. This decision also did not appeal to the farmers who went to the streets with banners. Being a vegetarian is personal choice and in my opinion taking meat from school’s menu was unreasonable and there are many other possible solutions how to safely use canteen without influencing students’ diet. For example taking lunch to classes and eating there. So in my judgement the decision was made too hastily andit is not supported by convincing arguments.


  1. O la la! The war over school meals in France was to be expected if you know how much they value their food.


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