CT Scan

Lately I’ve read an article about how a CT scan can uncover cancerous lung tumours when they are at an early enough stage so they can still be removed. Lung cancer is very dangerous and hard to diagnose, so experts expect that goverment will bring in routine CT scanning of smokers and ex-smokers in order to cut the huge death toll from lung cancer. 

I think that it’s a wise idea, because many people now a days aren’t interested in their own health and they downplay the possible symptoms of a dangerous disease. Besides they think that something like that cannot touch them personally. But making routine examinations is really important and sometimes we should even force our family and friends to the them, for their own good. After all, it's better to pay for one visit to the doctor than a few years of chemotherapy caused by our ignorance.



  1. Still, I'd focus more on making smoking an unfashionable and prohibitively expensive habit. Smokers should be ostracised and excluded from the company of other people as they harm others, not just themselves.


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