Underwater volcanos


It might seem that volcanoes can only exist and erupt on the surface. But the truth is that there are many underwater volcanoes that are remain dormant, although an explosion can appear at any moment. One of the most known undersea volcano is Marsili which is located about 175 kilometers south of Naples. It hasn’t exploded yet, but if it does it may cause tsunami which can hit the coasts of Campania, Calabria and Sicily.

There are not so many underwater volcanoes, but some time ago geologists discovered a new one which is located between Madagascar and Mozambique in the Indian Ocean. It erupted not so long time ago. The scientists recorded a weird seismic event – they called it  a seismic hum that circled the world, but no one could figure out what sparked it. The underwater volcano is huge, rising nearly a half mile from the ocean floor. It's the length of a 3.1-mile race and lies about 31 miles off Mayotte's eastern coast. And it came into being in just six months.


Karaibom zagraża potężne tsunami. Podwodny wulkan Kick'em Jenny może w  każdej chwili wybuchnąć - Polsat News   Wulkan zniszczy Ziemię  




  1. Wasn't the infamous tsunami of 2004 caused by an underwater volcano in the Indian Ocean? Or was it just an earthquake?


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