Exxon Valdez story


The name Exxon is the name of a ship that passed through Valdez Bay on 24 March 1989. After midnight the capitan heared very loud noise, he saw that from the bottom of the ship which was carrying tens of millions of liters of oil was ripped apart and the oil poured out in liters into the ocean. 

It turned out that the ship had caught on Bligh's reef. The crue was trying to save the ship and prevent oil spill, but they couldn’t do anything. Out of 11 Exxon Valdez tanks, 8 were damaged. They did not know then that they caused one of the greatest environmental disasters in history. Prince William Bay Leakage Kills 250,000 gulls and other birds, 2,800 sea otters, 22 killer whales and 247 bald eagles. On the barren coast, fishermen and crab fishermen are left with no livelihood. The catastrophe destroys the lives of over 30,000 Alaska residents. Exxon spends over 2 billion dollars on direct disaster relief - 11,000 people are involved in it at the peak of the rescue operation., but the truth was that was too late and they couldn’t do antything.

 Thirty years after Exxon Valdez, the response to oil spills is still all  wrong | Riki Ott and Jack Siddoway | Opinion | The GuardianOpinion: After 25 years, Exxon Valdez oil spill hasn't ended - CNNhttps://www.marineinsight.com/maritime-history/the-complete-story-of-the-exxon-valdez-oil-spill/



  1. Exxon is an oil company that owned the ship, whose name was Exxon Valdez.


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