Bermuda Triangle (Mary Celeste)

Mary Celeste was quite small Brigandine ship, which gained noteriety after he crushed and been found by another ship.

What is so interesting about it? Ships in those times got lost very often, becasue there wasn’t so highly developed technology to follow them.

This case is different. When sailors of the other boat got on deck of Mary Celeste they were suprised, cause the ship was abandoned. The sails were torn, and some of the hatches leading under the deck were open. However, there was no trace of the crew. All their private belongings were there, and people seemed to disappear.

Another interesting thing is that the abandoned ship drifted for 9 days (the last entry in the logbook was on November 25), covering 740 km during this time until it was found by the crew. Ship has on its deck a lot of barrels with spirit, but when they found Mary Celeste 9 of them was empty.

The most logical theory is that the crew smelled evaporating spirit smell and decided to escape, because in those times exploations on boats often happened.

There are many legends and theories about it, but we’ll never find out what really happened.
More theories about Mary Celeste


  1. "exploations" were probably meant to be explosions?
    When you talk about ships in English you use the female pronoun SHE. So she didn't sink and she was abandoned.


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