The Great Barrier pt.1




The Great Barrier Reef, is the world's largest coral reef, located along the northeast coast of Australia, in the Coral Sea (it’s visible from space).

Because of the climat changes the temperatures of seas are getting higher, the NASA’s oceanographic probes showed that in some regions they exceeded average temperatures by 2.5 degrees.  It can only mean one thing – our water ecosystem is dying.

Not only water creatures suffer, becauase the main problem is coral reef. Because of so high temperatures the corals lose their natural colour and turns white, which means they are dying. One of 43 ideas to reduce the amount of damage was to spray seawater above the reef to use the presence of salt to increase the sunlight clouds reflect back to space and inducing fogs over targeted reefs, again through spraying seawater. Of course those projects are going to take a lot of time and a lot of money, but it’s the right investment, because in the future as dr. Paul Hardisty said (scientist from The Great Barrier Foundation) :

“If we can get the science right and intervene on the reef at scale to prevent this kind of damage and build that resilience, then the benefits for Australia environmentally, socially and economically, especially for reef communities, is going to be in the tens of billions of dollars.”


Experts: The Great Barrier Reef cannot be saved - Vox

Great Barrier Reef suffered worst coral die-off on record in 2016: new study


  1. Isn't it a lost battle, unless the world does something globally to stop the temperatures from rising?


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