
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2020

Underwater pyramid in the Azores

  At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, a large pyramid-shape was found. The top of the pyramid is 40 meters deep and 60 meters high and covers an area of ​​8,000 m2. The underwater pyramid was discovered by a local angler in September this year during one of his trips. This angler claims that the pyramid must have been built with human hands and it may be the mythical Atlantis. However, not everyone is convinced that the find from the Azores is a pyramid. Skeptics that there is a chance that this is just an underwater volcanic hill, not a residual Atlantean civilization. (it’s because Azores are archipelago of nine volcanic islands and that’s why people are not convinced about the theory of underwater city)  

Exxon Valdez story

  The name Exxon is the name of a ship that passed through Valdez Bay on 24 March 1989. After midnight the capitan heared very loud noise, he saw that from the bottom of the ship which was carrying tens of millions of liters of oil was ripped apart and the oil poured out in liters into the ocean.  It turned out that the ship had caught on Bligh's reef. The crue was trying to save the ship and prevent oil spill, but they couldn’t do anything. Out of 11 Exxon Valdez tanks, 8 were damaged. They did not know then that they caused one of the greatest environmental disasters in history. Prince William Bay Leakage Kills 250,000 gulls and other birds, 2,800 sea otters, 22 killer whales and 247 bald eagles. On the barren coast, fishermen and crab fishermen are left with no livelihood. The catastrophe destroys the lives of over 30,000 Alaska residents. Exxon spends over 2 billion dollars on direct disaster relief - 11,000 people are involved in it at the peak of the rescue operation., but

Underwater volcanos

  It might seem that volcanoes can only exist and erupt on the surface. But the truth is that there are many underwater volcanoes that are remain dormant, although an explosion can appear at any moment. One of the most known undersea volcano is Marsili which is located about 175 kilometers south of Naples. It hasn’t exploded yet, but if it does it may cause tsunami which can hit the coasts of Campania, Calabria and Sicily. There are not so many underwater volcanoes, but some time ago geologists discovered a new one which is located between Madagascar and Mozambique in the Indian Ocean. It erupted not so long time ago. The scientists recorded a weird seismic event – they called it   a seismic hum that circled the world, but no one could figure out what sparked it. The underwater volcano is huge, rising nearly a half mile from the ocean floor. It's the length of a 3.1-mile race and lies about 31 miles off Mayotte's eastern coast. And it came into being in just six months.