
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2021

Open season in Sudan as trophy hunters flock to shoot rare ibex

  I’ve read an article about hunting on endangered spieces in Sudan. Environmentalists fear the endangered Nubian ibex in Sudan as Westerners sold hunting permits. Many people published pictures with body of rare Nubian ibex which angered the Sudanese who fiercely fight for wildlife. The Nubian ibex is considered extremely rare in Sudan and its population is classified as really vulnerable. I agree with Mohamed al -Tayeb, a Sudanese singer and wildlife campaigner, who thinks that Sudanese law has to change. It will not be easy, considering that in this country the last word belongs to those who have money. But the number of these animals is frighteningly small, so we should protect them at all costs. Also in my opinion hunting of any kind of animals should be completely banned and punishments for breaking the law should be stricter. It is cruel entertainment that should no longer be practiced nowadays.

Beijing skies turn orange as sandstorm and pollution send readings off the scale

  I’ve read an article about horrible accident that took place in China. A huge sandstorm with already high polluted air turned the blue and cloudless sky in Beijing into terribly orange and hard to breathe. Air quality indexes recorded extremely high ratings on Monday as commuters travelled to work through the dark air across China’s capital. Chinese meteorological authorities were obligated to issue that its second highest alert level. Levels of pm 2.5, the small air pollution particles that we inhale, were recorded above 600 micrograms in many parts of the city, reaching a 24-hour average of 200 before midday. The WHO recommends average daily concentrations of 25! State media reported at least 341 people were reported missing in Mongolia, which was also hit by sandstorms, and flights were forbidden because of low visibility. Sandstorms happen actually quite often at this season but long-term residents said they had not seen something like this in years. The author wrote that t

People wasting almost 1bn tonnes of food a year, UN report reveals

  I’ve read an article about how people around the world waste food. UN report informed that people waste almost a bilion tonnes of food a year. The interesting fact is that „the food discarded in homes alone was 74 kg per person on average around the world”. Just in UK, which has quite good data, the edible waste was about 8 meals per household each week. For me those numbers sounds really frightening. As everybody know many countries have to struggle with issues like poverty, some countries doesn’t even have access to running water or other necessities.   As a society that have never felt any effects of that types of problems, we don’t really care. We buy a lot of food with short expiration date and than when the product is expired, we just throw it. The solution is quite simple : buy less, but more often. So I think that if everybody followed this rule, the number of food that is wasted would be smaller.