
Wyświetlanie postów z kwiecień, 2020

Is fake news a serious problem in the contemporary word?

I think fake news are huge problem now a days. Most of people read or watch news on which they are building their opinion and outlook, but not all informations are true. There are a lot of fake news in the Internet, for example shocking articles about someone famous. We can't belive in it, because they are written by someone who probably is fantasists and his words aren't reliable. To avoid sharing fake news we have to check reliable sources and not sharing it before checking. Fake news can be very dangerous and when we start to belive them, we can't recognize which are true and which ones aren't.

Soap and viruses- Is social distancing that we all have to practise now is difficult or easy for you?

For me social distancing is a little bit difficult, because I don't have any kind of physical contact with somebody in my age. Of course staying at home for over a dozen days was really great, but when the prohibitions appeared that we can't go out and meet friends, it became harder. Videochats and online lessons it's not the same as face to face meeting. Although we recently had an Easter, and we couldn't go to our families, because of this virus. That's why for me and for most people staying at home is very hard.

Is lying morally wrong?

In my opinion lying isn't morally wrong, but in some situations is. People lie because of many reasons like: they don't want to hurt or disapoint somebody. Lying in these situations isn't something bad, because we do that  to not let down that person. But when we lie to our advantage, or for lie away somebody reputation it's absolutely wrong. Lies can ruin somebody's confidence, or even life. We have to be very carefull when we are lying because we can unconsciosly do somebody big harm. Additionally when we know that the person is lying, we can not belive in something that she say. We have to know that lying isn't a bad thing, but we have to be very cerefull when we are using it.