
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2020

Questions to the video

1. The men has ordered a cup of hot choco with whipped cream. He saw, that in this drink there was no whipped cream. He started to argue with a waiter, who wanted to prove his right. It turned out that the whipped cream will float on the top of the hot choco, so he thought that the waiter Was lieing. So the way to prove our right is to do something a few times and have the same result. 2. People belive in supernatural things, because they want to do it, for example Christians belives in recurrection of Christ, which is scientyfically imposible. Although people don't always belives in science. Despite many experiments and researches, we have to verify if the result is possible.

Homework (The Clinging Woman)

In my opinion the man, who let Lydia commit a suicide should face the consequences. Although we know that the woman was emotionally unstable, and was trying to blackmail her husband, by suicide attempts, but according to me, he made a bad decision. He could help her, by dialling the emergency number, or arranging a meeting with psychologist. He had a lot of occasions to help her, or let somebody to do that, but he didn't. He left his wife dying in their home and went out, coming back after few hours. This clarly shows man's fault, and confirms that he should be punished.